Upcoming events

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We have a busy few weeks coming up and invite members and other interested parties to join us tomorrow for a talk

We have a busy few weeks coming up and invite members and other interested parties to join us tomorrow for a talk on ‘Ceramics and Communities in Neolithic Cornwall’ by Henrietta Quinnell. This will take place over Zoom (from 6:50PM on the 25th of January) using the link below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 6407 6037
Passcode: 641608

We are holding a talk on the 10th February on The Destruction and Deposition of Metalwork in Bronze Age Britain, to be given by Dr Matt Knight. A Zoom link will be shared closer to the time.

Members may also be interested in an upcoming event live streamed from the University of Central Lancashire, titled “In conversation with Vicki Cummings and Colin Richards”. This will take place on Tuesday 1st February at 4:00pm to celebrate the release of their recent book ‘Monuments in the Making: Raising the Great Dolmens in Early Neolithic Northern Europe’. Registration for online guests can be found via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-evening-with-vicki-cummings-and-colin-richards-on-dolmens-tickets-229448706257