The Society includes a number of members who act as Area Representatives (ARs), in order to provide a local contact for CAS members, and for others wishing to contact the Society. An AR will normally be responsible for one or more parishes around his/her home area, and between them they cover the whole of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
The AR is expected to be watchful for any occurrence within their area which might have archaeological significance, such as developments disturbing the soil or likely to have an impact on archaeological and historic sites and monuments, and to bring any such to the attention of the local professionals. The AR is also responsible for co-ordinating Heritage Monitors in their area.
The Area representatives provide regular reports on their work as well as ‘monument of the month’ posts. These can be found at the bottom of this page.
Minutes of Area Representative meetings, notices of upcoming events, and individual contact details can be found within the AR Members page
To get in touch with your local AR please contact the Coordinator and include the name of your parish in your message. There are currently vacancies in several parishes, and if you’d like to volunteer as an Area representative in these areas, we’d love to here from you.