Charlie is a highly experienced archaeologist, formerly a member of Cornwall Archaeological Unit. He is a CAS trustee and the Editor of Cornish Archaeology.
The prehistoric settlement of at Kynance Gate is first recorded on the 1st edition Ordnance Survey 25in: 1 mile map (c 1880) and was visited by members of the RIC following a heath fire in 1896. Otherwise the site was largely forgotten until the early 1950s when a schoolboy found some pottery there. This led Ivor Thomas, headmaster a Landewednack School, to initiate a series of excavations between 1953-64. At least 20 roundhouses were revealed and large quantities of Bronze Age and Iron results of excavations, supported by the Farming in Protected Landscape (FiPL) scheme and the Tanner Phoenix Trust with help from the Monumental Improvement project and Natural England.
Archaeology Online is a series of talks that is open to all. Talks will take place over Zoom and will explore Archaeology in Cornwall and beyond.
The lecture will begin at 7PM with access from 6:50PM. No registration will be required for this session, though entry is limited to the first 100 attendees. Joining details will be posted closer in time to the event.