Exhibition at Roche Victory Hall This Thursday

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This July 7th an exhibition organised by Cornwall Archaeological Unit will detail the excavations undertaken for the St Austell/A30 link road.

The most significant finds uncovered include a Neolithic Longhouse of National significance within which various items were uncovered including a hand axe. There is also evidence of a Bronze Age funerary landscape, and Iron Age settlements.

Throughout the excavations, various Roman features were identified which are likely to constitute the period just after the Roman invasion, one of which was a Roman Legionary Marching Camp. Pottery sherds distinctive of this occupation composing part of the exhibition. Along with these significant finds, evidence for medieval farming and mining activities has been discovered; both early signs of traditional Cornish industries!

Please come along to Roche Victory Hall on July 7th for a drop-in event between 12:00 to 20:00 to discover some local history that has only recently been discovered.