This December, CAS will be starting ‘Monument of the Month’. Every month, one of our Area Representatives will be sharing a site or item of interest from one of their parishes.
The Society includes a number of members who act as Area Representatives (ARs), These provide a contact for those interested in the local Archaeology. An AR will normally be responsible for one or more parishes around their home area, and between them they cover the whole of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
The Society assists Historic England and Cornwall Council archaeologists in monitoring and recording the state of Scheduled Monuments and other sites of historic interest in Cornwall. The procedure for assessing and recording monuments has been agreed with the professional archaeologists, and regular training sessions are provided for those members taking part.
Monument Watch is co-ordinated by the Area Representatives, and is an important activity carried out by the Society. If you would like to take part in this activity, please get in touch, as new volunteers are always welcome.