Cornish Archaeology Online – The Portable Antiquities Scheme in Cornwall with Tasha Fullbrook

Tasha Fullbrook is the PAS (Portable Antiquities Scheme) Finds Liaison Officer for Cornwall. In this lecture, Fullbrook will be exploring archaeological finds reported by members of the public this year. Tasha works in partnership with the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Museum of Cornish Life, Helston where she is based.

Cornish Archaeology Online is a series of talks that is open to all. Talks will take place over Zoom and will explore Archaeology in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The lecture will begin at 7PM with access from 6:50PM. No registration will be required for this session, though entry is limited to the first 100 attendees. Joining details below:

Topic: The Portable Antiquities Scheme in Cornwall 2022
Time: Nov 29, 2022 19:00 London

Meeting ID: 810 4987 1468