Archaeology Online – Early Medieval Imported Wares with Maria Duggan


March 14, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type

Maria will discuss developments in the study of imported post-Roman pottery, focusing on finds from Cornwall and the South West. She will discuss how findings from the region fit into wider understandings of this material in Britain, and of early medieval society, economy and connections more broadly. This will highlight her study of the Tintagel imported ceramic assemblage, including the finds from the English Heritage TCARP excavations, and introduce other recent work.

The lecture will begin at 7PM with access from 6:50PM. No registration will be required for this session, though entry is limited to the first 100 attendees.

Topic: Archaeology Online – Early Medieval Imported Wares with Maria Duggan
Time: Mar 14, 2024 19:00 London

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Meeting ID: 840 8409 9924