From your own Correspondents

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From your own Correspondents! – This month

  • High Cross Restoration
  • Historic Pond Added to H.E.R.
  • Trekelland Bridge Struck Again
  • Tracing a Tragedy
  • Dingeirin Castle
  • Excellence Exceeded! New Features on the H.E.R.


Read the December update here

Area Representatives would love to hear from fellow CAS members, and the general
public, about any feature of the historic environment in their parishes, whether a new
discovery, something causing concern, or even just to answer queries. If you have any
concerns, or new information, about any archaeological feature, please contact the Area
Representative for the parish. If you do not know who that is, just look at the inside back
cover of the latest journal, Cornish Archaeology 56, or send an email to .

For more information on the Area Representatives, and the full archive of reports, visit the Area Reps Page